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Everyday Zen Buddhism

A Buddhist Life

Daily Zen

Manual ... for a Buddhist Daily Life

Many people today feel an affinity for Buddhist spirituality. If this philosophy is so popular today, it is because it is perfectly in line with contemporary issues such as the crisis, the loss of meaning in daily life, consumerist apology or stress in companies.

The Buddha’s teachings have also been able to harmonise and sometimes even anticipate the latest scientific discoveries, and this is how our contemporaries became passionate about a religion walking hand in hand with the explorers of quantum physics!

Through the tutelary figure of the Dalai Lama or the works of masters of different schools (Asian or Western), it is now possible to access teaching treasures from the mists of time.

The different sections of this MANUAL are intended to synthesize them in a simple and precise language to give everyone the Buddhist tools for daily life.

The content and examples it contains are the result of different experiences:

  • Nearly 15 years of life in a Zen monastery in France (in charge of teaching rituals to monks and nuns as well as Zen meditation for people staying there).
  • Nearly 20 years of teaching “Self-knowledge” in the broadest sense, in individual and group classes. Nearly 5,000 students have been met (teachings on the themes of presence in the body, breathing, the functioning of the mind and the Voice…).

Enjoy Reading!

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