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Daily Zen

The importance of summer retreats (2021 program) – practical information

Spiritual retreats, summer 2021: meditation and Zen practice

Summer (or the rainy season) has always been an ideal time to withdraw from the world. Settling down, rejuvenating and deepening one’s practice is essential in the life of a person with spiritual aspirations. And it is really recommended, in order to dive into the heart of meditation, to cut off from the demands of everyday life.

This summer, we have set up a program (from June to September) to facilitate your coming. I will be delighted to welcome you at Kibo Farm, located right next to Ryumonji Zen Monastery, where we meditate and practice silent meals. If you are already practicing, you will be able to deepen your knowledge, ask questions, and be accompanied on a daily basis. If you are a beginner, we have set up a special program with a person in charge of beginners to answer your questions and make the retreat easier for you.

During a retreat (from 3 days to several weeks), you are invited to follow a daily program mixing zazen (meditation), meals in silence, ceremonies and Buddhist chants, practice of the activity for the community (samou). Moments of rest are also planned. This program, precise and compulsory, allows us, after a few days of adaptation, to plunge into the practice, completely and to overcome our limitations.

To learn more, I have recorded a teaching video that describes (among other things) the meaning of a monastic life and spiritual retreats: VIDEO for sale to benefit the Kibo Farm, an animal shelter – in french )

The summer program on the KIBO website.

We are available to answer all your questions: info@kibo-zen.org

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Thank you for taking the time to reach out with your question(s). Someone will be in touch as soon as we can.